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Books for Adults
Stand-Alone Books for Children
Kayla Montgomery Series
My secret valentine
Tap, tap, tap. My secret valentine will not be dissuaded and keeps tapping on the bay window. Earlier this morning, at sunrise, I heard him whistling at me. If I was back in high school, I might suspect my old boyfriend, who would sometimes knock on my bedroom window to get my attention. Tap, tap, […]
What we Wisconsinites Love about Winter
Many of us are complaining about the weather, so when a friend surprised me and mentioned that he’s learned to love Wisconsin winters, I asked him for details. He said he took a lesson from the Alaskans, many of whom prefer winter because of the lack of mosquitoes and the ease of travel. Natives helped […]
To all the Fitness Fads I Loved Before
So, it’s been several weeks since New Year’s. How are your resolutions coming? Did you make one involving exercise? Were you swayed by one of the latest fads such as sculpt workouts, Zumba, spinning (bicycling), shine dance (see my article on this at or goat yoga where participants do poses while interacting with goats? […]