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Books for Adults
Stand-Alone Books for Children
Kayla Montgomery Series
Savor Summer’s Magic
I’ve been watching my hedgehog cactus and knew it would bloom in a day or two. This morning I awoke and there it was! A magical white burst of color. I took several photos and then sighed. I know it will only last a day. Like summer in Wisconsin, we anticipate it, and then, like […]
A Hair-Raising Hike in the Woods
My daughter and two grandsons joined me on a nature walk over our Fourth of July vacation at our northern Wisconsin cabin. It’s difficult to hold the attention of a ten- and thirteen-year-old boy, so I planned a scavenger hunt that would include wildlife stories. The first challenge was to spot “the hanging tree.” My […]
Letting the Sails Take You Where They Will
Mary and Bill Ernst's sailboat, Puffin. Credit Mershawn Pikus.