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Amy Laundrie
July 3, 2012
1:54 am
The Artist’s Spirit
Greetings fellow story lovers, A friend who wrote and illustrated children’s books, Marsha Dunlap, died after a long battle with cancer. One of the first times I met Marsha was during a blinding snowstorm. A small group of us had rented a bed and breakfast and hired an award winning author, Marion Dane Bauer, to […]
Greetings fellow story lovers, I felt it again yesterday while hiking--the heartbeat of the woods. Does the pulse I feel come from all the creatures watching as I walk down their sun-dappled trails, or from all the past creatures that have lived here? Did they, too, enjoy watching the woods change with the seasons? In […]
Greetings fellow story lovers, Poet Ted Kooser inspired my muse with the following poem. Lobocraspis Griseifusa This is the tiny moth who lives on tears, who drinks like a deer at the gleaming pool at the edge of the sleeper’s eyes, the touch of its mouth as light as a cloud’s reflection. --Ted Kooser […]
Greetings fellow story lovers, Two ducklings hatched out of my incubator this spring. I love this project. Although it demands hard work and patience, it can produce joyous results. The same is true of the writing process. Stories begin with ideas. The fertile mind incubates a nucleus of an inspirational thought, rotating it in the […]
Inspiration Greetings fellow story lovers, What gets your creative juices flowing? Where are you when inspiration strikes? Among my favorite times in life are those moments when I’m driving along on a long quiet stretch of highway and my mind starts whirling with ideas. It also happens in the bathtub, upon wakening, at my computer […]
wall Greetings fellow story lovers, Even though there are times when I wish my imagination wasn’t so active, it is a great tool for storytelling. Ever since I began trail riding in isolated woods, I’ve been terrified that my horse and I will be attacked by dogs. My imagination paints a vivid picture of the […]
Greetings fellow story lovers, What if . . . are magic words to writers and story tellers. What if an animal attraction with over 100 live reptiles including crocodiles, unusual albino iguanos, and the world’s largest snake caught on fire? snake This question led to my interviewing the owner and began the fourth Kayla Montgomery […]
Greetings fellow story lovers, What makes you grind your teeth, giggle like a hyper kid, or hiss like a panther? What makes the hair on the back of your neck tingle, your fingers dig at your scalp, or your throat ache with sadness? These intense feelings can be the origin of impassioned stories. Egg A […]