I’m Losing It

I’m losing it. I’ve misplaced an unusual amount of items this month. These have included the usual—cell phone, car keys, and reading glasses. One day I couldn’t find all three of my readers. But I’ve also lost unique items such as a brightly wrapped birthday gift.

My daughter bought a pair of earrings for my other daughter when we were on an outing. She hid the gift in the car. I’m pretty sure I brought it inside, but I searched for hours and couldn’t find it. Its location remains a mystery.

Three days ago, I lost a friend’s book. I remember reading it and flagging passages. (I keep a Book Journal where I summarize books I’ve read, and these passages will help me when I include the book’s highlights.) I visualized myself reading the older book with an olive-green cover while on the living room couch and retraced my steps. I searched the area in vain, even removing the couch cushions. I found popcorn kernels and one of my phone chargers, but no book.

I searched on my bookshelves, under furniture, and in drawers. I got down on hands and knees to look under chairs, behind a toy chest, and drapes. Obsessed, I polled friends and the internet for advice. “Ask others to help search,” an author advised, so I enlisted my husband’s help. He kept his eye out for the plain green book, but without success. Days passed.

I wondered if someone or something had distracted me, and I’d set it down in an obscure place. I admit I’ve had a problem being absent-minded from little on. When I was age nine, I brought a chocolate chip cookie outside where I was carpeting” my fort with chunks of spring-green moss. Hungry, I distractedly took a bite of the moss instead.

I wondered if someone or something had distracted me, and I’d set it down in an obscure place. I remember a friend saying she’d lost her keys and found them in the freezer. I search under my frozen foods.Another friend found a library CD in her sock drawer. I search through my drawers. Another friend found her cold cup of coffee in the linen closet. I check in various closets. Thinking back to how my husband found car keys on his tool bench. I search my office, in the bathroom vanity, under my car seats, and in the broom closet. No book.

Frustrated, I decided to follow my favorite advice for finding a misplaced item. “Relax. Have a glass of wine. It will show up.”

I ordered a replacement, had a glass of wine, and settled in to relax. I opened my nightstand’s door to get out the lotion. As soon as that door creaked open, I knew where I’d find the book. It’s almost identical to my green “Book Journal.” Sure enough, the two books were nested together.

Feeling like celebrating, I reward myself by bringing it and my snuggly puppy dog to my favorite recliner. I settle in. Ack! Where in the world did I put those readers?

5 Replies to “I’m Losing It”

Snuggling with your puppy in a recliner and a good book sounds like a perfect place to be, Amy!


Hi Sue,
Yes, puppy dogs and good books are hard to beat. 🙂
Thanks for reading.

Debbie Gille

It happens to all of us. Sometimes if i purchase a gift way ahead of time for a birthday/special occasion. I write on my calendar where i hid the gift (on the date of the occasion). that tip has helped me many times. Good luck my friend

Love this and, like most of your readers probably, can totally identify with the frustration of looking for misplaced items. Thanks for the laughs!


I’m glad the column made you smile, Gayle. Thanks for the input.

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