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Amy Laundrie
December 5, 2024
1:51 pm
A Tribute to Cherished Chairs
My husband and I bought the matching brown velvety chairs the year after we married. They’ve been with us for forty-six years. The fabrics are worn, and the mechanisms, replaced twice, are grinding again, but, like dear friends, we can’t seem to part with them. I nursed both of our daughters while warm and cozy […]
How a Small Gratitude Journal Can Have a Big Impact
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to discuss the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. I’ve done this since April. Although fancy journals are available, I didn’t invest in one. I simply use a small spiral notebook to jot down five things I’m grateful for. I do this daily. Since I keep the notebook near my […]
While hiking along the Wisconsin River, I see raccoon tracks. They’re distinctive because they’re shaped like human hands. I’m near the same ridge where, earlier in the spring, I heard the frantic cries of a baby raccoon in distress. I was sure it had been separated from its mother. I forced myself to keep walking, […]
I’m happily whipping about, my arms full of sheets, when I turn the tight corner into the laundry room. Crash! My mood plummets. I grumble as I dump the sheets in the washer, grab the waste basket, and drop down to my knees to pick up glass shards. The framed photo of Moab, Utah’s sunlit […]
I asked Veteran Marine combat engineer Joseph White Eagle, who enlisted in 1988 and served in Desert Storm and Desert Shield, to share stories about his military experience that would make us laugh, cry, and reflect. He generously did that and more. When Joe’s father met his senior drill instructor on the day before Joe’s […]
I start the pork chops browning in a skillet. The weather has changed and with the onset of autumn and the stressful presidential campaign, I’m wanting comfort foods. As I turn the pork chops over so they brown on the other side, I think about our family get-together in a few days. We’re raking leaves […]
I’m hiking into the woods near my home in the Dells at night, feeling eyes on me. My mission is to see if I can get the resident barred owl to call back to me, an annual event that, to my family’s amusement, continually beckons me. The skeleton shadows, however, are creeping me out. It […]
The Cheery Sunflower "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what sunflowers do.”—Helen Keller. I’ve always loved sunflowers. They remind me to look on the bright side and they bring a smile to my face. It turns out I’m not the only one who finds them cheery. While walking […]