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Forget the turkey. What is my bid?
Most Thanksgiving hosts prepare for the big day by grocery shopping, baking, and cleaning, but I’ve dusted off heirlooms and “treasures” for a family auction. Mind you, no money is exchanged and if two people show interest in something, we work it out. We will hold the auction in our living room after dinner when […]
It’s Coming, it’s Coming
I hurriedly scoop another armful of dead flower stalks and drop them into the wheelbarrow. There’s a chill in the air. The ka-runk, ka-runk of the geese flying overhead call a warning. It’s coming; it’s coming. A fat critter uses its paws to dig in the ground and bury an acorn, a snack for when […]
Make a Difference
National Make a Difference Day, observed every fall, presents an opportunity for people to contribute their efforts toward creating a brighter future. Beginning in September, I began posting “small kind gestures” that I found in the community. My first Facebook post featured a fresh basket of sun-ripened tomatoes near a homeowner’s mailbox. The sign said, […]
Ms. Dreamer Meets Mr. Practical
While on the road to Portage, I listened to a book on tape and was dreamily transported to another world. I took a sip of my travel mug of coffee. Yuck! Dishwashing soap. I recalled this morning when my husband Frank said, “Didn’t you notice how the coffee maker needed cleaning?” “It needed cleaning?” I […]
Cemetery Stroll Prompts Ghostly Tales
I didn’t choose to walk through Wisconsin Dells’ Spring Grove cemetery in the dark. Today’s long car ride prevented me from getting in my daily hike, and this was my first chance to exercise.  The cemetery’s paved roads have no traffic, an advantage for walking in twilight, but when tree branches cast eerie shadows on […]
If you’re anything like me, you sometimes need a break and a bit of me-time. I enjoyed my recent hiatus from column deadlines. I luxuriated in long hikes, took writing classes, prepared for the release of a new children’s book, escaped into novels, worked on my soft-touch dinking strategy for pickleball, and tried to power […]
Agonize Less; Live More
When a friend mentioned Copper Harbor, Michigan the other day, my mind immediately rewound to the summer I met a group there for a week-long camping adventure on Isle Royale. The trip was worrisome since I’d never wilderness camped and because I’d be sharing the island with dangerous animals. These included roaming predators with jaws […]
My Aging Dog
My dog Josie sat in my lap while we waited in the kayak for my younger daughter to join us. To my surprise, she rose, stepped to the front of the kayak, jumped off into the shallow water, and headed for the woods. What was up with her lately? I called her, but she didn’t […]