Amy Laundrie

Amy Laundrie

Best Discoveries of 2023

I enjoy skimming the wrap-ups of the year and thought it would be fun to poll my Wisconsin friends and family about 2023. I asked for “best discoveries” and got a wide range, including book recommendations and goal setting. I…

It’s Coming, it’s Coming

I hurriedly scoop another armful of dead flower stalks and drop them into the wheelbarrow. There’s a chill in the air. The ka-runk, ka-runk of the geese flying overhead call a warning. It’s coming; it’s coming. A fat critter uses…

Make a Difference

National Make a Difference Day, observed every fall, presents an opportunity for people to contribute their efforts toward creating a brighter future. Beginning in September, I began posting “small kind gestures” that I found in the community. My first Facebook…
